Wednesday 5 January 2011

Feedback on your research and planning

Check here for feedback on your practical production:

Adam -
Most complete blog, welldone. However you need to write about the feedback you got from pitching your treatment. Also photos of the costumes you intend to use would be good. You seem to have started filming with no storyboard, shot list or script which is worrying! List the days that you shoot.

Aimee -
Check the list of things that you need to post on your blog as you are behind

Dan -
Check the list of things that you need to post on your blog as you are behind

Harriet -
List of codes and conventions for drama, pictures of typical drama actors, more textual analysis of films, results of audience questionnaires, photos of locations, props and actors, storyboard, shot list and script, what certificate will your film be and why, who will be taking on what roles during production, dates that you will be shooting.

Jack -
your research is very short. More detail please and check list to see what else you must complete.

Jordan -
Your research is also very comprehensive, welldone. Post the results of your audience questionnaires. Also your storyboard, shot list and script. Could you change the theme of your blog as it is slightly disorientating to navigate.

Josh -
check the list as you are behind.

Lara -
Check the list as you are behind

Mara -
Check the list as you are behind

Matt -
More textual analysis. Feedback from pitching your treatment. Results of questionnaires. Photos of locations, props and actors. What will your certificate be? Storyboard, shot list, script. Who will be doing what during filming?

Natasha -
More textual analysis. Feedback from pitching your treatment. Check the list for the other things you have not completed.

Nyasha -
Photos of locations, actors and props. Check the list for other things you have not completed.

Rhiannon -
Check list for things to post as you are behind

Russell -
Your research should come before any planning for your film. Can you reorder your work so that it is presented this way? Separate characters, script, music post and too confusing when all mixed in as one. More textual analysis needed. List of conventions for war films. Results of questionnaires as graphs. Check list for other things not completed.

Sam -
Organise posts into order. Check list of other things not completed.

Tim -
Extensive planning, welldone! However you are missing several textual analysis of similar genre films to what you are going to produce. This research is important to show that your decisions for mise-en-scene, sound, camera and editing have come from exisiting sources. Make sure these analysis are posted before your planning so that it seems like you have been inspired by your research. You must post your storyboard and a production diary detailing how filming went!


Sam Hocking said...

Next lesson can you help our group upload our story boards, questionaires and scripts because were having some trouble doing that.
Also can you check my blog to see what else needs doing? I think i have done most of them but im not sure.


Rhiannon x said...

Miss, is there a way that I can order my posts? I took the ones I had on my blog off then posted them again in the order I wanted but now looking at my blog it has put the posts where ever it wanted. Is there a way around this?