Monday 4 October 2010

Getting up-to-date with your blogs...

Everything that you have been asked to put on your blogs is posted below. The only things that are not are what we have done most recently in the lessons:

1. A movie poster (annotated) which displays the conventions of its genre, therefore demonstrating how genre can be used as a marketing tool.

2. A picture and explanation of a high profile person who demonstrates a certain ideology, e.g. Katie Price = glamour, sex.

If you are still not sure have a look at some of the other blogs - some of them are looking great!


Miss Kelley

1 comment:

Sam Hocking said...

Hey miss. Some of my pictures havent loaded up properly and i dont know why. All help would be greatly appreciated.
Also for our exam question with Mr Palmer im confused. Would the ideology for the tin man for example be to get his heart? thankyou.