Wednesday 30 March 2011

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your prelim task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Concentrate on editing and camerawork (continuity, 180 degree rule, jump cuts, match on action. shot-reverse-shot, shaky cameras)

Screengrab shots from your prelim and your final project - comment on what you have learnt about shot types, framing, smooth editing.

You MUST mention 180 degree rule, match on action, shot reverse shot in this post.

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of creating this product?

Post photos of all the technology you have used - from cameras to youtube. If you have photos of you using this technology, even better!!!

Beside each one comment on what you have learnt from it/ about it.

Evaluation question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

In order to really impress the examiner with your range of technological expertise, you can upload your film to youtube and use the annotation bubbles to highlight the ways in which your film links to other similar films in order to attract your target audience.

Your annotation bubbles should refer to generic conventions, use of music, similarities with other popular films, your unique selling point for your film.

Post the youtube video to your blog.

A typed post is also acceptable.

Evaluation question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Draw a picture of a member of your target audience.

Explain what tastes they might have, where they would shop, what music they would listen to, what their favourite TV programme would be etc.

Take a picture of this and embed in a post. Type some notes about why they would watch your film.

Bring in any relevant audience theory such as Rubicam and Young, Uses and Gratifications, Ethnographic model.

Provide links to previous posts about BBFC certificate and target audience.

Evaluation question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

If you have the time, recording this answer as a director's style voiceover on your film would be incredibly impressive. Each member of the group would have to do this separately though. You can then embed a director's commentry version of your film in your blog.

You can also type out your answer to the question.

You will need to discuss:
what a production company does.
What a distributor is
Where the funding may have come from for a film like yours
why only certain job roles are listed in the opening titles - why have you featured the director and actors?
What films is your film similar to institutionally? (that means budget wise, location -where its filmed- wise, the size of your cast and crew wise, where is would be released wise) - include posters of films which are similar.
link to your earlier post on production and distribution companies for your film.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Production/distribution credits

If you want to download production/distribution company credits from youtube, go to:

choose the MP4 version to download.

Evaluation question 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Pick a character from your film and put a photo of them in a post. In the same post, include photos of characters from real films of the same genre, who are in the same social group as your character. Now write about the similarities and differences between your character and the ones from real films - mention appearance, costume, role in the film, personality.

Concepts to mention:
Stereotypes (did you stick to them or subvert them?)
Laura Mulvey - Gender representation
Stuart Hall - Ethincity and sexuality representation

Now repeat the process for all of your characters.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Evaluation question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (i.e. film openings)

Screengrab 9 distinct frames from your opening sequence and post each of them to your blog. Under each one comment on how this fits in with the conventions of that genre, and what we would generally expect to see from the first 2 minutes of a film (i.e. credits). Refer to existing films that have inspired you by providing screengrabs of relevant clips or film posters.

Discuss the following:
Title of the film
Setting/ location
Costumes and props
Camerawork and editing
Title font and style
Story and how the opening sets it up
Genre and how the opening suggests it
How characters are introduced (representation)
Special effects.

Wednesday 9 March 2011


Your 2 minute opening must be edited by Monday 21st March., ready to show to the class.

Your blog, film and evaluation must all be finished and handed in on Monday 4th April.


Monday 7 February 2011

Youtube channel for foundation portfolio videos

Some prelims and presentations are up:

username (case sensitive): Mangotsfieldmedia
password (case sensitive): Mangotsfieldmedia

Wednesday 2 February 2011

For Monday 7th Feb...

Harriet and Rhiannon
Dan and Lara
Mara and Nyasha

You still need to present to the class.

Everyone also needs to bring their completed storyboard to class so we can create an animated sequence from it. This will go on your blog to add to your planning posts.

Monday 31 January 2011

Task for this Wednesday (02/02/11)

•A presentation which details:
•The genre you are emulating and the films which you have taken inspiration from
•How did you use this to come up with an idea for your film
•A blurb about your film, as if it was the back cover of a DVD
•Your target audience and certificate
•Details of shooting dates
•How has filming gone so far?

Provide visual aids such as posts from your blog!


Ms Kelley

Sunday 23 January 2011

Remember to blog about everything!

Good examples of extensive blogging:

Use photos of your locations, props, actors and costumes.
List people involved and their roles
Have a plan for filming dates

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Feedback on your research and planning

Check here for feedback on your practical production:

Adam -
Most complete blog, welldone. However you need to write about the feedback you got from pitching your treatment. Also photos of the costumes you intend to use would be good. You seem to have started filming with no storyboard, shot list or script which is worrying! List the days that you shoot.

Aimee -
Check the list of things that you need to post on your blog as you are behind

Dan -
Check the list of things that you need to post on your blog as you are behind

Harriet -
List of codes and conventions for drama, pictures of typical drama actors, more textual analysis of films, results of audience questionnaires, photos of locations, props and actors, storyboard, shot list and script, what certificate will your film be and why, who will be taking on what roles during production, dates that you will be shooting.

Jack -
your research is very short. More detail please and check list to see what else you must complete.

Jordan -
Your research is also very comprehensive, welldone. Post the results of your audience questionnaires. Also your storyboard, shot list and script. Could you change the theme of your blog as it is slightly disorientating to navigate.

Josh -
check the list as you are behind.

Lara -
Check the list as you are behind

Mara -
Check the list as you are behind

Matt -
More textual analysis. Feedback from pitching your treatment. Results of questionnaires. Photos of locations, props and actors. What will your certificate be? Storyboard, shot list, script. Who will be doing what during filming?

Natasha -
More textual analysis. Feedback from pitching your treatment. Check the list for the other things you have not completed.

Nyasha -
Photos of locations, actors and props. Check the list for other things you have not completed.

Rhiannon -
Check list for things to post as you are behind

Russell -
Your research should come before any planning for your film. Can you reorder your work so that it is presented this way? Separate characters, script, music post and too confusing when all mixed in as one. More textual analysis needed. List of conventions for war films. Results of questionnaires as graphs. Check list for other things not completed.

Sam -
Organise posts into order. Check list of other things not completed.

Tim -
Extensive planning, welldone! However you are missing several textual analysis of similar genre films to what you are going to produce. This research is important to show that your decisions for mise-en-scene, sound, camera and editing have come from exisiting sources. Make sure these analysis are posted before your planning so that it seems like you have been inspired by your research. You must post your storyboard and a production diary detailing how filming went!